What To Expect During IPL Photo Rejuvenation Treatment

IPL photo rejuvenation is an innovative dermatological treatment that allows patients to transform the blotchy, red skin into a glowing complexion. So, if you suffer from rosacea, hyperpigmentation or broken veins and capillaries, IPL photo rejuvenation may be the magical treatment you have been looking for.

The IPL photo rejuvenation treatment is a half an hour procedure where high pulses of wavelength light are applied onto the skin, reducing and even eliminating various common effects of aging, like skin discoloration and facial wrinkles.


The high-energy wavelength light used during the procedure leads to collagen production, making your skin smooth and supple. For some results are visible after the first session, for others it may take few sessions. Anyway, the important thing is that results improve after each treatment. To get the maximum of results, five IPL photo rejuvenation sessions are usually recommended.

To protect yourself from the strong light flashes, you will be asked by the skincare specialist to wear protective eye-wear before the procedure begins. Once done, the skincare specialist applies a special cool gel to the particular area to lubricate the hand-piece and also, to help cool your epidermis during the treatment. Next, the highly trained technician applies short pulses of light to the skin though the hand-piece.

During the IPL photo rejuvenation procedure, you will experience a warm sensation on the treated skin area, caused by the hand-piece. Once the procedure is done, the skincare specialist applies а cold compress to the treated area to alleviate any feel of pain and discomfort.

Since this treatment causes very little damage to the skin, the recovery time following the procedure, usually is very short. In some cases, the redness caused by the treatment may stay for a bit longer, depending on the patient’s skin type and the particular skin condition being treated.

The most important thing to keep in mind after the treatment is to avoid sun exposure. Moreover, the patient should make sure to frequently apply great amounts of sunblock for at least two weeks. IPL photo rejuvenation treatment can deliver amazing results for 12 months or more. But, to enjoy all the benefits of IPL, you must take good care of your skin or in other words, to protected it for the first few weeks after the treatment has been done.

To find out if the IPL photo rejuvenation treatment is right for you, visit a reliable and experienced skincare specialist who will be able to help you find out if this treatment can meet your expectations.

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