Every day our home is subjected to dirt and crumbs that can be left behind even after sweeping. This is especially true for tiles and grout. Since grout can be porous and difficult to clean, sometimes it is better to hire professionals. However, before you start browsing for tile cleaning Melbourne companies in your area, why not try to clean your tile floors with simple mixture of powder laundry detergent and water. It is easy to do. Just mix the two until it looks like nice paste substance and then apply it on the grout. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes, then scrub with a toothbrush and rinse with water. If there are still some stubborn stains, get a cloth and dip it in a bucket filled with one part bleach and two parts water. Leave the cloth on the stain and cover with plastic wrap so that bleach does not evaporate. Also, try cleaning your tiles with vinegar and water.

Another way to clean tiles is with peroxide and baking soda. Pour peroxide on the grout, scrub it and then sprinkle baking soda over it. Use the brush to scrub the mixture into the grout and then clean with a wet cloth. Use the same mixture for the tiles in your garden as well. But, since tiles in your yard are more exposed to dirt, it is best to hire professional tile cleaners Melbourne that will not only clean the dirt and grime from the grout, but leave your tiles super clean. This is by far the most efficient way of grout and tile cleaning. Having spent lot of time trying to clean the dirt using different methods, you come to a point when nothing does the trick anymore. Therefore, call professional tile cleaners in Melbourne that will solve your tile cleaning problem in a minute. Choose the best tile cleaning Melbourne company in your area and save yourself the trouble.