Do you snore at night and feel disoriented, irritated and/or depressed during the day? Does your partner complain about this? Did you know that recent surveys showed that the main medical illness for divorce or break up is in fact snoring? Luckily, there are ways to prevent this medical problem, but first you to figure out the reason why you snore. Consult with your doctor to find out if you may have obstructive sleep apnea and to get adequate treatment. Aside from prescription drugs, there are other ways to prevent loud snoring and breathing pauses during sleep.
- Lose weight – If you are overweight, losing the extra kilograms will reduce the fatty tissue in the back of your throat and help you reduce or even stop the snoring.
- Stop smoking – Smoking is one of the major cause for snoring. Smokers are more likely to have the blocked airway problem. If you are a smoker, quit right away.
- Avoid sleeping pills and do not drink alcohol right before going to bed because they relax the throat muscles and interrupt breathing.
- Keep the air in the bedroom moist with the help of a humidifier because dry air can irritate the nose and throat membranes.
- Sleep on the side – Avoid sleeping on your back because that way your tongue and soft tissues drop and obstruct the airway. Try sewing a small tennis ball on the back of your pajamas to ensure you do not move sleeping position during night.
- Avoid heavy meals, dairy products and caffeine before sleeping.
Sleep apnea mask – This CPAP and other related devices such as nasal pillow masks, nasal masks, Cpap filters, humidifiers, etc. are specially designed to treat sleep apnea and prevent snoring and breathing pauses during sleep. In fact, sleep apnea masks are most commonly used non-surgical treatments for curing OSA and snoring problems because they keep airway open during sleeping and provide constant air flow to the lungs. Depending on the severity of your problem, your doctor will recommend appropriate Cpap mask parts to best help treat this sleeping disorder.
If none of the above snoring and OSA tips help you, then contact your doctor and ask if it is good for you to have a surgery.