The Basic Equipment For Yoga Beginners

As with any sport, yoga can be intimidating in the beginning – especially when you consider doing poses like the crane one. But don’t worry, flexibility, core strength, and mindset are all skills that you will develop over time.


If you are new to the yoga world, you are probably wondering what you will need to get started. Well, there are few key pieces of equipment for yoga that will help you feel more at ease as you get started.

Your Own Mat

Although your yoga studio might offer mats, it is always a good idea to bring your own. And despite the fact that studios and gyms tend to wash their equipment for yoga, it is still not hygienical to use a mat that has been shared dozens of times. Moreover, having your own mat means you can take it anywhere you want and use it anytime – a great incentive to keep up your yoga practice at home and even while on a vacation.

A Mat Towel

Depending on the style of yoga you choose, you may end up sweating quite a lot during your class and that can make your mat slippery and dangerous. Plus you probably don’t want to think about sweat getting into your eyes while trying to concentrate and balance. A mat towel can solve all these problems, helping you concentrate on what really matters. While a beach towel may work just fine to soak up the sweat, if you are considering Power Yoga for example, you may want to get a yoga-specific towel that fits the entire length of your mat and is made from super-absorbent material that dries quickly. Some yoga towels even come with rubber nubs on the bottom to prevent slippage.

Comfortable, Breathable Clothing

Although skinny jeans might be your favorite clothing, they are not suitable for yoga. When practicing yoga, you will want to wear comfortable, breathable clothes that allow you to keep your focus on the practice and not on the discomfort your jeans are causing you. Some yoga practices, like Iyengar, may require you to wear clothes that don’t hide your form, so the teacher can easier see your alignment.

A Good Water Bottle

Regardless what style of yoga you practice, staying hydrated is fundamental. Though most studios have drinking fountains or vending coolers, bringing you own water bottle will definitely save you money. Plus, if you are the kind of person who likes to coordinate their accessories, you can find a variety of water bottles designs and colours to fit in your style.

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