Pallet Racking Beams Capacity: What do you need to know?

When a company starts to grow, so does its need for more storage space. Nowadays, as the regulations are ever changing, one thing is certain, a warehouse must own a proper pallet racking system in order to function properly.

Pallet racking beams are easy and simple to understand. Manufacturers use their capacity per pair and it is a very straightforward process – you can support around 5000 pound pairs of beams on both sides, if the load is evenly appropriated.


More uprights, means more complications

It is very hard to specify with flawless precision when it comes to load capacity. The upright frames depend on the vertical air space that is between the levels or to be more specific, the air space of the tallest rack level. More beams give the rack more capacity, although when it comes to material strength, they can cause some complications. The air space between the levels in the rack is called the unsupported span. The more air space there is – the lower capacity it has. Additional beam levels give you more capacity and can hold more weight.

Every manufacturer that produces pallet racking beams needs to inform you of their capacity tables through prints or through their website. These tables give you a hint of the type of upright regarding the vertical beam spacing and inform you on the number of frames can support in overall. This has nothing to do with what the beams holds, but will have to be stout enough as to carry full packed beams.

Rack capacity – limitations of its weakest link

The most important thing to know is that any length of unsupported span restricts an entire rack. If the space between your floor and the first beam is 60″, that is the number that restricts your upright capacity. It does not matter if your other beam spacing is 40″ or 45″ on all other beams. That 60″ really matters when you calculate your pallet rack’s cargo bearing capacity. If you surpass your manufacturers’ capacity, your rack will be in danger and it can potentially damage your products or even cause serious accidents.

Things you should know about racking beams capacity

When handling pallet racking beams in Australia you should always check the guidance note for pallet racking operation and maintenance that is provided by Work Safe. Before purchasing your pallet rack system, make sure that your retailer can provide you with capacity information for the beams, the upright strength and beam spacing.

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