Cats are truly magnificent animals. Odd and strange, with a habit for striking fellow humans without reason, yet magnificent regardless. And one of the main methods to ensure your feline royalty is healthy, cheerful, and active is to provide them with proper nutrition. However, when presented with hundreds of options, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by what cat food to buy and simply choose the least expensive, nicest looking and best-reviewed food you find. Even so, if you know what to look for and follow a few simple guidelines, you should be able to find just the right food for your kitty and keep it happy and healthy.

Nutritional Needs
The first thing to consider when it comes to pet food is whether your cat is a kitten, an adult, or a senior. Kittens need different nutrients than adults do, and you’ll want to make sure the food you’re buying has everything needed for proper growth. Cats are carnivores and need adequate protein for their muscles, so the main ingredient in your kitten’s food should be meat.
While fish is a great source of protein, it can contain allergens and a high mercury content that can be bad for the health. The best way to ensure your cat is getting what it needs is to buy all-natural brands that use quality ingredients with no fillers. Also, make sure that vitamins and minerals your cat needs are in the food—you could ask your vet about this if you’re unsure.
The process starts over again when your kitten becomes an adult. Although the basic nutritional needs remain the same, different blends of supplemental pet accessories such as vitamins and minerals will become necessary for optimal health in each new phase of life. For example, cats who have reached adulthood might need more fibre in their diet if they have trouble keeping their weight down, while others might have bladder problems and require a low-magnesium formula. In all cases, look for the type that will give them what they need without adding too many extra calories to their diet.

We love our cats. We want to give them the very best, scratch posts and toys, comfy beds, and all that. And yet, as cat owners, we’re aware that they can be pretty fickle. We know they can be especially finicky when it comes to eating, and that they’ll turn up their adorable little noses at something they consider subpar. But what exactly is “subpar”? How are we supposed to know if we’re giving them the right amount of food?
A well-fed cat should be neither too thin nor too fat. It’s important to understand that there’s an ideal weight for a cat depending on its breed and age, and it’s your job as an owner to make sure your kitty stays in a healthy range. The best way for you to do this is by tracking your cat’s daily food intake.
This is actually a lot easier than it sounds: there are lots of pet accessories calculators that will help you find out how much food your cat needs based on its age, size, and lifestyle (e.g., indoor or outdoor). If you have more than one cat, make sure to measure each one individually—it’s easy to forget that Kitty has a bit more muscle mass than Fluffy, or that they move around at different speeds throughout the day. All you have to do is enter your cat’s weight and movement information into the calculator, and voilà! You’ll get a daily calorie count so you can adjust the portions accordingly and make sure your pet stays fit.
Wet Food vs. Dry Food
When choosing wet food, you’re giving your cat a chance to indulge in flavours it might not otherwise get to taste. Cats are carnivores, so they prefer meat-based foods. The ingredients in wet food are specially formulated just for cats and contain nutrients that help them maintain their health. Choosing wet food for your cat also allows you to give it water. One of the biggest complaints about dry food is that it contains little or none at all.

Dry food isn’t necessarily bad for your cat, It’s essentially a snack mix of grains, carbs, and protein that has less moisture than wet food, but more moisture than something like dog kibble. It can be good as a treat, or you can use it as a supplement if your cat doesn’t like wet food or if it has certain health problems like diabetes.
Research Your Brands
Cats are finicky, so when it comes to choosing the best cat food for your furry friend, you need to do your research. The rule of thumb is that you should be reading the labels on your cat food. If there’s a lot of filler and not much meat, it’s probably not going to be all that healthy for your cat. You’ll want to look at the protein content and choose brands that have a high percentage of protein.

To Sum Up
Ultimately, before choosing a food for your cat, it’s essential to remember that not all foods are the same. The main consideration you should make when purchasing cat food is with the ingredients, the price coming secondarily. It’s also worth looking at customer reviews online. Doing this should help you decide which product is right for your pet and keep them healthy for years to come.