Controlled automation is a system that includes a set of technologies that enable automatic machine operation according to the desired or previously set parameters. Thanks to this revolutionary system, the need for human intervention is significantly reduced, and the final results are superior when compared to the manual operation. The controlled automation has become an essential part in many industries, especially in the manufacturing plants. The main role of this system is to replace the whole human-working process of producing a complete finial product from raw materials. The controlled automation offers more flexibility and integration in the manufacturing process. Here are the main controlled automation systems which are heavily used in many industry sectors:
Integrated Automation – This system is generally used in the manufacturing plants for quick and accurate production of various materials. It includes a set of automated technologies: computer-aided design, computer-aided process planning and manufacturing, flexible machining system, automated storage, computer-controlled material handling with robots, automated cranes and conveyors, automatic computer scheduling, and other similar technologies. The integrated controlled automation can integrate a business system through a basic database. In other words, this system provides a full integration of various manufacturing processes by using computer technologies.
Programmable Automation – The programmable automation is used for applications where the main configuration and operation need to be changed from time to time. Although very effective, the popularity of the programmable automation system is very low. Generally, the programmable automation system is used for batch processes, where the product volume is medium (and sometimes high) and the job variety is very low.
Fixed Automation – The best automated solution for high volume production is the fixed automation. The main systems that use fixed automation are: continuous flow systems, discrete mass production systems, conveyors, transfer lines, distillation process systems, etc. In other words, the fixed automation is most commonly used for processes where special machinery is needed to perform repetitive and fixed operations for high volume production.
Flexible Automation – The flexible automation is the most popular controlled automation system. It is computer controlled, and generally used for flexible manufacturing systems. Workers enter commands in the system in a form of codes which describe the operation that needs to be completed. Each machine receives commands from the main computer, and then the machine use the required tools in order to complete the operation.