A Simple Guide to Protecting Your Vehicle: Comparing GPS-Based Security with Traditional Systems

Ask any car or truck owner and they’ll tell you that their vehicle’s physical security has become just as important as their rego and CTP. That’s because from Cairns to Canberra, auto thefts and break-ins are one of the most persistent problems around. That’s also why more vehicle owners are looking to GPS-based security solutions to protect their personal property.

Over the last 30 years, GPS-based technologies have been adapted to everything from trip planning to restaurant hunting, so it was only a matter of time before its pinpoint locating capabilities would be applied to the dilemma of automobile security. And it’s also no surprise that Melbourne’s own Ultimate9 would take the lead in developing a GPS solution to tackle an increasingly unsettling vehicle security problem.

person holding a phone and the phone transitioning in to a road with cars
source: carlock.co

Full-time Vehicle Security with Ultimate9’s STEALTH GPS Tracker

person holding gps tracker
source: hearstapps.com

Let’s be honest: for most people, just the thought of having their vehicle stolen or broken into is terrifying. It’s an unimaginably personal, and unavoidably costly assault on your private property. That’s why you want Ultimate9’s multi-mode LiveTrack STEALTH™ GPS vehicle tracker on the job keeping your car, truck, caravan, and even boat under 24/7 protection. Only STEALTH trackers offer the full-time monitoring you want for your vehicle, and LiveTrack technology lets you view those monitored security statuses directly from your smartphone with the swipe of a finger.

Peace of Mind From Pre-specified Security Parameters

With access to more than 50 GPS and GLONASS constellation satellites, a SIM card-equipped STEALTH car tracker module installs unintrusively in your vehicle, and through its integrated G-Sensor, alerts you to even the slightest change in your vehicle’s state of motion or orientation. All that’s required is a simple connection to your car, ute, or caravan’s 6V – 36V power source, and you can instantly start receiving vehicle tracking device notifications on a variety of GPS-readable parameters, such as:

  • Anytime your vehicle receives an impact that could indicate an attempted break-in;
  • Anytime your vehicle moves outside of a pre-specified geographic area; or,
  • Anytime there’s motion detected within a pre-specified geo-perimeter that you’ve set around the vehicle.

With unrestricted access to the STEALTH tracker’s status at all times from any IoS®- or Android-powered device with a 4G LTE, or 3G UMTS/HSUPA/HSDPA/GSM network connection, you’re never in the dark about what’s happening to your vehicle. The tracker can also be integrated with Ultimate9’s proprietary iCar® mobile app, allowing you to use Google Maps to see your vehicle’s precise location anywhere on the planet to within 3 metres. That’s the real-time peace of mind that you want when your vehicle isn’t in your sight.

Perfect Vehicle Security With Uninterruptable Tracking 

Make no mistake: even if your vehicle is equipped with layered factory security options like keyless entry, an engine immobilizer, and an advanced alarm system, today’s thieves are more adept and brazen than ever. None of these systems are even remotely fool-proof once a thief identifies them, and they’re totally ineffective against a thief who has access to a lost or stolen key, an unlocked door, or a window or sunroof that’s been left partially open.

The fact is, with half of all vehicle thefts  in Australia occurring in front of their owner’s home – and an astounding 70% of those being stolen with their own keys – it’s almost impossible to deter a determined thief if you’re vehicle’s parked outside. A STEALTH vehicle tracker, however, can’t be disabled or disrupted, and offers you an array of advantages that include:

  • A matchbox-sized GPS car tracker module that can be installed discreetly almost anywhere;
  • Uninterruptable satellite signal reception as long as the module has a reasonable line of sight positioning; and,
  • Undetectable reception, even with spectrum monitoring.

Once a STEALTH GPS vehicle tracking system is installed, it can function invisibly for years. Even if a thief disconnects your vehicle’s battery with the intention of deactivating all of your on-board security systems, the STEALTH’s 150mAh lithium backup battery still allows these GPS vehicle trackers to continue delivering the kind of precise positioning data which, even if your vehicle is stolen, will immediately lead the police to it. The STEALTH module even saves a 7-day movement record, allowing you to know what time your vehicle was moved and the speeds it travelled – all vital information that can assist your insurance company with rapidly adjudicating any claims that might arise from your vehicle being stolen.

STEALTH’s G-Sensor Security Stops Thieves Before They Start

There’s no getting around the fact that notwithstanding the statistics, having your car, ute, or caravan broken into is far more likely to happen than it getting stolen. A forgotten shoulder bag or backpack in the back seat, tools left in a ute box, or even the pricey electronics in a side mirror or the precious metals in a catalytic converter are lucrative, convenient pickings for thieves. That is, unless you’re able to keep the criminals away from your vehicle to start with.

The STEALTH’s G-sensor is capable of creating a secure geo-fence of security around your vehicle which, in Parking or G-Sensor mode, is designed to detect shocks or impacts to your vehicle that could indicate:

  • The possibility of vehicle tampering, or a break-in;
  • The presence of movement inside a preset geo-fence perimeter that you set up around your vehicle; or,
  • An attempt to move your vehicle without starting the engine.

And with the STEALTH’s minimal power draw of only 20mA when idling, and only 200mA when communicating, that means that the module won’t drain your battery, even while working quietly in the background.

The Final Word

At the end of the day, while it may not be possible to prevent a vehicle from being stolen, GPS-based vehicle security makes it possible to know the exact moment your vehicle is being tampered with. And if it’s stolen, the same technology will even give you the real-time data that’s needed to let the police know precisely where your vehicle is.

With a LiveTrack STEALTH GPS vehicle tracker installed, you can rest assured that you’re protected by the most advanced vehicle security system on the market. It’s an investment in security that you hope you never to use, but can relax comfortably knowing that you have it. 

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