Permanent Makeup – What You Ought To Know

For most women, applying makeup in the morning is a real hassle. Although you love the final outcome, still you crave for additional 20-minutes of sleep. If you are one of those who want to sleep a little bit longer in the morning, then permanent makeup is your ideal solution. Instead of waking up 1 hour earlier to camouflage your flaws, call your beauty technician and ask about this procedure.

Thanks to permanent makeup, you can say goodbye to all skin imperfections. When people hear about tattoo, the first thing that comes to their mind is needles and pain. Well, not in this case. Permanent makeup is indeed a cosmetic tattoo procedure, but not even close to the traditional tattoo procedures. Permanent makeup will wipe all your beauty woes away. You will look amazing even after you get out of the shower. For fuller brows and perfect eye lines, try permanent makeup.

How Permanent Makeup Is Done?

Beauty technicians use various devices to enhance the natural beauty of the patient’s eyebrows, eyes and lips. They use special tattoo coil machine, pen, rotary machine and other hand devices to outline the face features with high precision. It is extremely important to talk to your beauty technician before you decide to go with this permanent procedure. The beauty technician will infuse natural pigments directly into the dermal layer of your skin. For a complete look, you must repeat the procedure at least twice.


Is It Necessary To Consult With Your Beauty Technician Before The Procedure?

Yes it is. Consultations are free, so make sure you talk to your beauty technician prior any permanent cosmetic procedure. Together with your technician, you will pick the colors, lines and shades to achieve the desired look. He/she will give suggestions how to enhance your facial features. The final results will be more surprising if you take things with precaution. Permanent makeup brings its own risks and drawbacks, so make sure you leave everything in hands of a professional. An experienced beauty technician makes no mistakes.

Will It Hurt?

Pain is an individual thing. What is painful for someone, doesn’t necessarily means it is painful for others. Those who have tried permanent makeup, say that it doesn’t hurt at all. You might feel a bit of discomfort, but there is nothing to be afraid of. It is similar to tickling or plucking your eyebrows. Your face might be swollen after the procedure, but nothing serious. You’ll be a new person in few hours.

What Is The Best Pre And Post-Procedure Care?

  • There are some things you need to do before you apply permanent makeup. It is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol or consuming products that contain aspirin at least 3 days prior the procedure. This way, you will prevent increased face sensitivity.
  • If you are prone to flare-ups, make sure you follow a 10-day anti-viral prescription therapy. You also need to protect yourself from heavy sun exposure, so make sure you wear sunglasses and use sun screens to prevent premature fading.
  • At the beginning, the color of your treated areas will look really vivid. However, that will fade away within 2-5 days. Don’t peal off the ink. It will flake away on its own.
  • Stop using aggressive skin care and chemical peels for some time. Use products that are mild and apply with caution. That will prolong the longevity of your permanent makeup.

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